
Is Fred Franzia the most controversial man in Wine Country?

Franzia is a roaring success when it comes to sales, particularly in this economic downturn, with a recent tally of 440 million bottles of Two Buck Chuck sold in the U.S. But the man rankles many in Wine Country, particularly when he chides Napa vintners, calling their inflated prices "fantasyland." [...]

By | May 12th, 2009|1 Comment

What’s this think tank thinking? Vintank is pondering wine in the digital age with a new report on social media

It's hard to keep up with the swift pace of communication these days, but at least one company is trying to figure out the answer to this monumental question: How well does social media pair with wine?Paul Mabray, a co-founder of Vintank, says he doesn't offer a service per se, [...]

By | May 11th, 2009|0 Comments

In the wine world, is twittering like a blind date?

Katey Bacigalupi recently made that analogy after going to the Crushpad 2.0 Tasting in San Francisco where she met some of her twittering crowd for the first time. Twitter is the technology that allows people to chat in real time. "I had seen their profile photo and I had some [...]

By | May 7th, 2009|3 Comments

Did you know …

There's a Bohemian Grove of sorts, a place where the powerful converge, the influential amass, the prestigious reign. But they don't discuss heady ideas like the Manhattan Project. No, here they talk about cult cabernets and silky pinots, supple textures, complex layering. This "grove" is the Mayacamas Country Club in [...]

By | May 6th, 2009|0 Comments

Here’s a contest. Vote and vote often. What are your favorite wine websites?

The black hole of the Net offers people an endless opportunity to chatter, to banter, to pontificate.Here are some websites that will likely pique the interest of the wine-lovers:Winetwo.com - This social networking site, which features wine events, focuses on millennials, the offspring of the baby boomers. It has forums, [...]

By | April 27th, 2009|2 Comments

With people assessing Mother Nature on Earth Day, here’s something to ponder …

Is Wine Country the canary in the coal mine when it comes to global warming? There seem to be two camps, one that spots actual proof of global warming, while the other doesn't see a trace. What camp are you in? Remember, you're only a click away from having your [...]

By | April 22nd, 2009|0 Comments

Is biodynamic farming witchcraft or scientific? Check out our point counterpoint

Before you read our point counterpoint, check out this video about biodynamics. Here's the link: http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid11892244001?bctid=18117378001For a clash of views points on biodynamics, we have Stuart Smith, vintner of St. Helena's Smith-Madrone Winery and Mike Benziger, winemaker of Imagery wines, a brand produced by Glen Ellen's Benziger Family Winery, on [...]

By | April 17th, 2009|4 Comments

The cash-strapped restaurant-goer is in luck. The tipping point in “budget vino” is imminent. Check out the signs.

In The Tipping Point, author Malcolm Gladwell refers to "the level at which the momentum for change becomes unstoppable." There are signs pointing to a paradigm shift, with restaurateurs more intent than ever on courting wine-lovers in this economic downturn. #1 A new survey of restaurants in 10 major regions [...]

By | April 14th, 2009|0 Comments

What gives Wine Country its uncanny sense of place?

We pay exorbitant real estate prices to live among the vines, but what exactly is this place we call Wine Country? What gives it its uncanny sense of place? I decided to go on an architectural dig of sorts to see what artifacts would turn up in our wine culture. [...]

By | April 10th, 2009|3 Comments

“Millennials have a BS detector” True? False? Where do I buy one?

Morgan Twain-Peterson was a precocious child. At age 5 he could distinguish between a merlot and a zinfandel. Today the 28-year old co-founder of Bedrock Wine Co. in Sonoma can distinguish between more than varietals. Try fact and fiction. Peterson says he's no different from his fellow Millennials, the offspring [...]

By | April 8th, 2009|2 Comments