Do you ever feel that Mother Nature has a mischievous streak when there’s a spike in temperatures? No worries. You can outsmart her antics with these tips:

  • When cooling a bottle during a heat wave, don’t be rash. Skip the freezer as your most expedient method of cooling down a wine. You could forget it and wind up with wine slush.
  • Opt instead for the 30 minute solution — a bucket filled with half ice, half water.
  • If you have up to an hour and a half to spare, put the bottling in the fridge.
  • What to chill? White wines, rosés and light reds.
  • Here’s the skinny on what temperature to serve: sparkling wine (40°F to 50°F), white wine and rosé (50°F to 60°F degrees F), light red wine, (60°F to 70°F).


Don’t waste your time complaining about the weather. Instead spend it on logistics for keeping that precious palate of yours COOL.

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