rockstarWord just in … the new Real Reality T.V. Show “Best Bottle” is looking for winemakers – established and aspiring — who can show their mettle and make the tastiest wine. First season is California vs. Oregon where two teams compete against each other to find America’s new Rock-Star Winemaker.

Crazy as it sounds Julia Child, the woman who had high hopes for a cultivated society in her country, would find this delightful; she would be proud that in America wine is going mainstream. Even if you despise reality T.V., shows like this one will raise awareness of winemaking on American turf.

While we wait to hear specific details of the competition, the quest is to capture the Golden Grapes Trophy, cash prize, new car, and a lucrative winemaking deal. According to a press release, show executives say  “to reach that goal, the winner must possess physical and mental endurance, a native wine intelligence, and shrewdness to avoid elimination from the competition.”

No one wants to be voted off the island.

If you have a great backstory, apparently that gives you an edge. Best Bottle is looking for 10 compelling contestants with plenty to say about themselves and the craft of wine. Visit the show website for casting call details and instructions:

Contestant entries must be received before midnight July 1, 2015.

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