Luther Burbank’s “chosen spot in all the world” is showing its resilience in the aftermath of the wildfires.

The land, ribbed with vineyards, is scarred but people in this agrarian culture of ours are already rebuilding. And here’s what’s giving us a fighting chance: we are inhabited by winemakers who are well-versed of how to deal with calamity. We have some of the most resourceful people on the planet living and toiling in Wine Country. And they are not easily discouraged. They are people who have gravitated to winemaking because of its inherent challenges. They are farmers of grapes in Northern California, and wildfires are among Mother Nature’s cruel tricks in this region. But after talking with several winemakers who were affected by the fires, I’m encouraged by how they dealt with the triage of the firestorm and how they plan to rebuild.

One vintner reminded me of the warehouse fire on Mare Island 12 years ago and how devastating it was for some vintners who suffered far greater losses. The fire damaged or destroyed more than 4.5 million bottles of wine. Some wineries lost entire vintages and, others, entire inventories.

No one could have foreseen the extent to which these wildfires raged, devouring entire subdivisions, and burning whole wineries to the ground.

But when it comes to resilience, there’s no better place to tap it than in Northern California‘s Wine Country where winemakers are filled with resourcefulness. These are farmers of grapes who are trained to take on calamity.

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